Vaporized author Robert Tercek wins prestigious award at Frankfurt Book Fair


Writing a book and becoming a published author is one of the very best ways for an accomplished expert to accelerate their business and raise the value of their brand. But book sales are just the beginning. The real fun begins when awards and accolades start rolling in.

Robert Tercek, author of Vaporized: Solid Strategies for Success in a Dematerialized World, was with me in Frankfurt this week to accept the getAbstra... keep reading

Three Essential Questions to Ask a Hybrid Publisher

What the heck is a hybrid publisher, anyway? And how do you know if you’ve found a good one?

At its best, hybrid publishing offers many of the benefits of being published by a traditional publisher — including access to market (i.e. brick-and-mortar bookstores), high quality editing and design — as well as the benefits of self-publishing, such as higher royalties, ownership of rights and creative control. I founded LifeTree on this model ... keep reading

Five easy formats for nonfiction books

Your book contains some of your best ideas. But do those ideas add up to a streamlined, compelling manuscript… or a pile of disorganized thoughts? When you’re outlining your nonfiction book, it’s easy to get so caught up in the content that you neglect to plan the book’s overarching structure. This can be a real problem because many readers will give up in frustration when faced with a book that forces them to work too hard to understand it.

So how should you structure your book? Of course you could always just move through your material chapter by chapter, begin... keep reading

Writing About Writing: How to Move Past Fear so You Can Finish Your Book

Any act of creativity will activate your fear in a big way. That’s how you know it’s working. Creative acts involve a swirling kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from vision, exhilaration, industriousness, boredom and grandiosity to sheer terror. Sometimes there is shame too. We rotate through all of them along the way, repeatedly, throughout any creative act.

Everybody loves the fun part; the exhilaration, grandiosity and industriousness. These ... keep reading

How Editing Your Own Writing is Like Spring Cleaning

It’s Tuesday, which means I am working on my forthcoming book about writing. To inspire you to work on your own book, I promised to share my process and also offer a sneak peek at the work-in-progress along the way. Here’s a little excerpt from today’s chapter about self-editing. Do you hate editing your own work? Let me know what you think ... keep reading

Writing About Writing: Announcing My Forthcoming Book

I have an announcement to make.

I am writing a book. I’m writing a book about writing a book. (To which Paris, our marketing and communications coordinator, said: “That’s so meta…”)

This should be a cinch for me. I have been an editor for nearly twenty years, over which time I have worked with hundreds of writers. Most of them were professional journalists or feature writers, but in recent years in my role as publisher at LifeTree Media, I have worked almost exclusively with first-time authors.

Every day I  support people in writing... keep reading

Dr. Shefali Tsabary Applauds Generation Stressed

We are so excited to announce the support of Dr. Shefali Tsabary for Michele Kambolis’ forthcoming book Generation Stressed: Play-Based Tools to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety.

Dr. Shefali is a clinical psychologist specializing in family dynamics and personal development. She is also a keynote speaker, the founder of Global Inner Disarmament and a multi-award winning author. Her books, The Conscious Parent – Transformation Ourselves, Empowering Our Children and Out of Control – Why Disciplining Yo... keep reading