What I Learned About Confidence from Writing Growing Strong Girls: A Guest Post from Lindsay Sealey

This post was written by Lindsay Sealey, author of Growing Strong Girls.

Last year, I set an intention to become a stronger, more resilient person. I committed to taking one risk every day for a year—one act of bravery that would challenge me to grow. Out of these 365 actions, the bravest one was my decision to write a book.

I had wanted to write a book for a long time because I felt strong... keep reading

Dr. Shefali Tsabary Applauds Generation Stressed

We are so excited to announce the support of Dr. Shefali Tsabary for Michele Kambolis’ forthcoming book Generation Stressed: Play-Based Tools to Help Your Child Overcome Anxiety.

Dr. Shefali is a clinical psychologist specializing in family dynamics and personal development. She is also a keynote speaker, the founder of Global Inner Disarmament and a multi-award winning author. Her books, The Conscious Parent – Transformation Ourselves, Empowering Our Children and Out of Control – Why Disciplining Yo... keep reading

Mayim Bialik Praises Generation Stressed

We love to share positive feedback on LifeTree Media’s books, and we’re beyond excited that our first-ever release has attracted the support of actress, author and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik, best known for her roles as Amy Farrah Fowler on the popular TV series The Big Bang Theory and Blossom Russo on the 1990s sitcom Blossom.

Mayim is the author of Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachmen... keep reading