LifeTree Welcomes Michelle MacAleese as our New Senior Editor

Michelle MacAleese Senior Editor LifeTree MediaEditor Michelle MacAleese has long worked with LifeTree Media on books such as Discipline Without DamagePathways to Pregnancy, and Growing Strong Girls. Now we are thrilled to announce that Michelle is joining the LifeTree team in a much more substantial way as our Senior Editor. In her role, Michelle will take the lead as project editor for the bulk of our titles, and will oversee editorial operations across the board.

A professional editor for more than a decade, Michelle was an in-house editor for book publishers such as Random House Canada and ECW Press, and spent several years working as a freelance editor. Michelle has worked with many first-time authors as well as established names, and has developed a range of bestselling and award-winning titles by authors such as Jann Arden, Katherine Ashenburg, Terry O’Reilly, Natasha Turner, and LifeTree authors Mary Wong, Lindsay Sealey, and Vanessa Lapointe.

In her new role, Michelle will have a hand in every aspect of the editing process, from shaping a book’s concept and structure through developmental work to proofreading it in its final stages. In addition, Michelle will evaluate incoming book submissions, provide author coaching, manage editorial workflow, and, of course, share her expertise on the LifeTree Media blog.

Michelle’s passion for books has been a constant in her life. From library assistant to literature student, she always found herself in the company of book lovers and books, in all their forms. After joining an audiobook retailer in 2005, she watched publishers move from cassettes to digital audiobooks, then saw a multinational publisher adapt to the rise of ebooks. To Michelle, the publishing revolution is in full swing as authors find new, better paths to the book market.

The innovative publishing methods used at LifeTree are one of the reasons Michelle was drawn to LifeTree, but there’s more behind the decision to join the company:

“LifeTree is much more than an alternative to the mainstream path to publication,” Michelle says. “It’s a nurturing, bold, and strategic publishing home. I’m thrilled to be joining a team that sees the potential of author-directed publishing and delivers excellent distribution. With the list of values-driven nonfiction titles, it’s an editorial vision I can really get behind. So I’m excited about the way LifeTree makes books, and about the books themselves.”

“LifeTree is… a nurturing, bold, and strategic publishing home.”

As she steps into her new role, Michelle has a message for all LifeTree authors, present and future, looking to share their message with the world. “LifeTree Media authors are among the most driven and passionate I’ve worked with. As Senior Editor, I will bring my industry experience to inform and guide your project, and I will listen to you, because you know your message and audience better than anyone. Let’s make your best book!”

Paris Spence-Lang

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