How a writing coach can help you write your nonfiction book

Writing Tools







If you’re feeling alone and overwhelmed by your writing project, you might wonder whether working with a writing coach can help. Here are five benefits that you can expect to receive from a good writing coach.


Throughout the writing process, a good writing coach keeps you on track by constantly reviewing your progress and resetting your goals where needed. By doing so he can drive you toward completion, helping you to avoid getting stuck in interminable limbo with your writing project. By keeping an organized eye on your project, your writing coach can also help you to avoid veering off course in your structure or topic focus.


As Robert Tercek explains, a coach’s role is to push you past your comfort zone, much as a personal trainer does in the gym. Often, this involves helping you to move through emotional or psychological blocks, negative beliefs and resistance. Deadlines and schedules are famous for their power to motivate, although their effectiveness is often greatly diminished when they are self-imposed. A writing coach can provide the framework you need to stick with your project and move it forward.

Creative input

A writing coach gives constructive criticism and lends her expertise in writing so that you can improve your creative artistry during the course of your work. She will also be able to help you to find your own personal writing voice, which will boost the impact of your work and bring it an air of authenticity.

Technical pointers

Writing coaches are not just editors, although many writing coaches have editing backgrounds. Working with a good writing coach from the start to the finish of your writing process will make the final edit of your work a lot less arduous, as structure, punctuation and grammar will be checked and corrected along the way.


Often a writer is working on the same piece of work for months or even years on end, and may have difficulty separating herself from her writing in order to look at it as objectively. With help from a fresh set of eyes, you will overcome roadblocks, stay the course, or take your work in a totally new direction, if that’s what is needed.

Are you looking for a writing coach to help you successfully complete a nonfiction manuscript? LifeTree Media can help. Our coaches are industry seasoned professional editors with deep expertise and a passion for supporting authors. Contact us today and let us pair you with the perfect coach for your project

Maggie Langrick

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