Smart food: 5 breakfasts to boost your brainpower

Before you sit down to write, feed your head with these super brain-boosting foods. You’ll be smarter by lunchtime!

  1. Steel-cut oatmeal with blueberries

Just as steel-cut oats take longer to cook than rolled oats, they also release their food energy more gradually, allowing your brain to remain well fuelled throughout a morning-long writing session. Top your oats with phytonutrient-rich blueberries, which studies have shown can improve cognitive function in rats. In fact, the polyphenols and flavonoids in these little blue beauties are so good for your grey matter, Steven Pratt, MD calls them “brainberries” in his book Superfoods Rx: Fourteen Foods Proven to Change Your Life.

Simmer ½ cup of steel-cut oats in 2 cups water for 30 minutes. Stir in ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of agave syrup. Top with ½ cup or more of fresh blueberries.

Blueberry oatmeal brain food smart breakfast

  1. Whole grain toast with almond butter

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant that can protect brain cells (which are largely composed of fats) from harmful free-radicals. Research has shown that a diet high in vitamin E can help protect your brain as you age. Spreading that almond butter on whole grain (rather than white) bread brings the added benefit of improving overall cardiovascular health, which boosts blood flow to all parts of the body, including the brain.

  1. Omelet with smoked salmon

Salmon and eggs are both rich in DHA and other omega-3 essential fatty acids, a major component of brain cell membranes. DHA is critical to your brain’s health, and plays an important role in its ability to transmit information from one cell to another. (In other words: Your ability to think clearly.) Research has shown that consumption of omega-3 oils is linked to a measurable decline in the risk of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

Smoked salmon omelette eggs breakfast healthy smart

  1. Steak and eggs with spinach and sliced tomatoes (red meat)

Red meat such as beef is a great source of vitamin B12, widely acknowledged as the most important nutrient for brain function. Mild deficiency can cause depression and fatigue, while some studies have shown prolonged and severe B12 deficiency may even lead to brain shrinkage and long term damage. Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are rich sources of magnesium, which enhances cognitive function and boosts synaptic plasticity.

  1. Coffee, chocolate and water

Ok, so this breakfast has very little going for it in terms of vitamins and minerals, but if a quick brain boost is what you’re after, caffeine will deliver an effective hit. Present in both coffee and chocolate, caffeine stimulates brain activity and enhances focus and concentration. Aside from being delicious, dark chocolate has the added benefit of being rich in anti-oxidants. As hydration is essential to good brain function, be sure to follow your coffee with a tall glass of water to offset its dehydrating effects.

Dark chocolate brain food

Maggie Langrick

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