January: a time for change – and divorce?

Recently Simone Paget at the Toronto Sun asked me to give my opinion as a therapist on why more divorces are initiated in January than in any other month of the year.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. January is the time that people are looking to make positive changes in their lives; they want to quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more, and generally be happier. It’s a time of personal inventory; a time to come face to face with oneself and ma... keep reading

Traditional vs. self-publishing – and an alternative to both

Last week, my favourite book industry blogger Jane Friedman posted an update to her popular infographic breaking down the major routes to publishing. It is shared with permission here, but you might also want to check out her original post at janefriedman.com.

She names those four routes as traditional publishing, fully assisted ... keep reading