7 Creative Ways to Fund Your Book

“I can’t afford to publish my book right now.” We hear this a lot. And we get it–publishing can be a large investment for many people, and sometimes publishing seems like it can wait. But when we hear authors shying away from a publishing project because of funding, we simply smile and say, “Not so fast!” There are plenty of creative ways to finance your publishing project, so if you’re looking to publish but don’t have the means, consider these seven creative ways to fund your book.

Use a crowdsourcing website

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Professionally Self-Published Authors Now Eligible for the Writers Union of Canada

Did you know?

Over the last three years, the Writers Union of Canada has changed its eligibility criteria, opening up its membership to authors who are professionally self-published. Previously, to be eligible for membership in the WUOC you were required to have “a trade book published by a commercial or university press” under your belt. Now the requirement is a professionally self-published book that successfully demonstrates commercial intent.

Self-published authors haven’t always been eligible because the trick is, to be a professional writer, you have to publish pr... keep reading

The Sacred Path of the Soulmate: An Interview with Existential Philosopher Gerald Sze

At any moment, millions of women and men are ending romantic relationships. This made Gerald Sze wonder: “Where did the passion go?”

Gerald understands passion. An award-winning spirituality author and existential philosopher, Gerald has studied and conducted research in the fields of spirituality and existential philosophy for nearly 30 years. Not only has he written the book on love—The Sacred Path of the Soulmate—his own passion was the driving force behind its publication.

The Sacred Path of the Soulmate comes from Gerald’s studies on the nature... keep reading

How to write a world-changing manifesto

When I sit down to work with a new author, I always ask them about their goals for their book, and invariably I get a version of the same answer: They want to make a difference in people’s lives. Very often, they want to change the way people think, elevate a conversation, and bring new understanding to a vexing problem.

That’s a great mission. We all want to have an impact on the world, and most of us would like that impact to be a positive one. But changing the world through a book begins with changing the mind of one reader, and then the next. Most of us are stubbornly attache... keep reading

New guidelines in the Chicago Manual of Style are an enlightened step forward

This week the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) announced the changes that will be made to its upcoming new edition, which comes out in September. As an editor, a publisher, and a progressive idealist, I am applauding one of those changes in particular: approval of the use of the singular pronoun they.

The English language is one of the most shape-shifting languages in the world. Every year, English speakers add new words to the lexicon and repurpose old ones. Some of these innovations are widely adopted and become part of the language; others fall by the wayside. Ther... keep reading

Three Essential Questions to Ask a Hybrid Publisher

What the heck is a hybrid publisher, anyway? And how do you know if you’ve found a good one?

At its best, hybrid publishing offers many of the benefits of being published by a traditional publisher — including access to market (i.e. brick-and-mortar bookstores), high quality editing and design — as well as the benefits of self-publishing, such as higher royalties, ownership of rights and creative control. I founded LifeTree on this model ... keep reading

How to Choose the Right Editor for Your Book

Hiring an editor can feel a bit like choosing a mate or business partner. Trust and shared vision are critical, and you’ll want to pair up with someone who brings the right strengths and assets to the relationship. Picking the right person will have a huge impact on your current happiness levels and your long-term success, so it’s worth taking the time to choose wisely. Here are some guidelines to help you find your perfect match.

1. Hire a pro, not your friend with an English degree.

Plenty of people can spell and use ... keep reading

Writing About Writing: Follow My Progress As I Write My Book

Last week I announced to the world that I am writing a book about writing a book, and promised to share my progress with anyone who cares to follow along. This post is my very first progress report! (Cue the tiny marching band! I believe in celebrating early and often.)

I’m doing this for two reasons. First, I want to share my experience as a first time author in the hope that it will encourage others to dive into their own... keep reading