Writing About Writing: Follow My Progress As I Write My Book

Last week I announced to the world that I am writing a book about writing a book, and promised to share my progress with anyone who cares to follow along. This post is my very first progress report! (Cue the tiny marching band! I believe in celebrating early and often.)

I’m doing this for two reasons. First, I want to share my experience as a first time author in the hope that it will encourage others to dive into their own book project. Having coached other authors through the ups and downs of the book-writing process, I’m embarking on this journey with a tried and tested writing roadmap (which is in fact the very subject of my book itself). But how well I manage to follow my own program remains to be seen. I can already see that it’s a very different experience to be on the other side of the editing desk. I’m interested to see what I will learn along the way (and am prepared to be quite humbled by it.)

My second reason is simple, and a little selfish: I need support – and naked visibility – to hold me accountable so that I actually finish the thing. Like all the authors I work with, I am a busy person (who isn’t, these days?) with no shortage of distractions and excuses pulling at my attention. I am hoping that blabbing about my big ideas will apply the pressure I need to see them through.

I’ll update this post as I go along, so please check back from time to time. Writing is a lonely pursuit even when you do it in plain view of the whole wide internet, so please let me know what you think in the comments below.  Have you written a book? Did you share your process with anyone? I’d love to hear your stories and suggestions.

And now, may I present my very first milestone reached:

My book outline!

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Maggie Langrick

2 Responses to “Writing About Writing: Follow My Progress As I Write My Book”

  1. Jan Tonita

    Maggie, the thought process you went thru to produce this “outline” is mind-boggling. You definitely have a natural ability to write and hold the reader’s attention with them wanting more. It is wonderful to embrace this journey to prove to yourself that one day you will publish a book and inspire others who are pondering the same thought. Have fun along the way. Hugs Jan

    • I appreciate the kind words, Jan. One of the core ideas in my book is that when you write what is really burning on your chest, it’s much easier to get the words out. So far this project is pure pleasure, and supportive words like yours make it that much more so!

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